Tuesday, January 06, 2009

South Side Vs. CWE

It's a City Smackdown, and I plan on sitting front row. Wednesday, Jan. 7 Brennan's in the Central West End is hosting a debate: Which is Better? South City or the Central West End? In the end, the audience votes for the winner.

This is no ordinary debate. Despite having two very intelligent men arguing the finer points (Kevin Brennan for the CWE and Steve Smith for the South Side), I don't think we will be seeing Lincoln-Douglas style debate. (And if you know me, you understand my relief...) For several years, 1 Wednesday a month, Kevin Brennan has been running these debates where people ponder the virtues of Ketchup Vs. Mustard, and other age-old rivalries. The back-and-forth is clever, intelligent, always funny, and generally lively. I've known both Brennan and Smith for years, and I am not sure who has the edge on this one. I know the South Side rocks, but we'll have to see how it gets argued.

Hit up Brennan's on Wed. night to see all it all happens and use your voice to settle the argument: South Side or Central West End?

Brennan's (near Euclid and Maryland)
Wednesday Debate: 8pm Jan. 7, 2008
4659 Maryland Ave, St Louis - (314) 361-9444

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